LB Homes coffee cup

09 Jun, 2020

After testing over 400 residents, tenants, and employees LB Homes passed their first round of the COVID-19 Point Prevalence Survey Testing on June 4th.

The Point Prevalence Survey is an initiative within the state of Minnesota to test all residents and staff of long-term care facilities. The test involves one base-line test, which LB Homes completed on June 4th. There are a minimum of two more weekly follow-up tests that are to be conducted to confirm that COVID-19 is not present in the long term care facility.

LB Homes routinely monitors staff and residents. LB Homes is advised to perform COVID-19 tests on those who display symptoms and receive recommendation for a test from a medical professional. Last week an employee at Woodland Lodge tested positive for COVID-19 before the Point Prevalence Survey Test. While one employee tested positive for COVID-19 prior to our Point Prevalence Survey Test, no residents have contracted the Coronavirus while at LB Homes, there is not a resident or tenant being cared for by LB Homes who has the Coronavirus, and there are have been no deaths at LB Homes due to COVID-19.

Since the pandemic first reached the United States, LB Homes has worked tirelessly to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within their senior care settings. 

LB Homes followed their emergency preparedness and infection prevention and control plan. These plans provide detailed instructions to staff on how LB Homes identifies, addresses, and manages infectious disease outbreaks. Staff are trained in infection control practices and follow established protocols based on that training. LB Homes has experience in managing illness outbreaks, such as the flu, and has a heightened awareness of the risk to residents posed by COVID-19. LB Homes monitors for fever or respiratory symptoms and is taking appropriate action.  

Outside visitors have been limited to medically necessary and end-of-life needs. Staff and residents have been following advice and protocols for preventing transmission, as directed by the Centers of Disease Control, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Minnesota Department of Health. LB Homes has designated transitional units and COVID-19 positive unit for future use. 

LB Homes holds a realistic outlook regarding this challenge. Senior citizens and those who live in communal settings are uniquely threatened by this virus, and caregivers statewide have adopted aggressive infection control procedures to limit the damage caused by the virus. 

LB Homes has a communication strategy to keep residents, families, and the community informed on develops at LB Homes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, LB Homes works with MDH on the best course of action to prevent the contraction and spread of the illness and protect all who live and work in our setting. 

LB Homes is working to ensure that residents and families stay connected despite the visitor restrictions. Their dynamic activities team has worked in partnership with residents and families to ensure alternative communication methods are in place so they can see and talk with each other.  

The best way to stop the spread of this virus is prevention. LB Homes began preparing for infection control equipment right away. They have collected masks, gowns, gloves, and other PPE to have on-hand and use in daily cares of residents and tenants.